Crows again? Yes, crows again.
Walking in
Now isn't that always my way? Always I'm looking for the Epiphany. Always I want to be reassured that things are moving as they should be. And what right do I have to expect a sign just for me? None, of course.
Ever since the Toronto outbreak of West Nile disease, a mosquito-borne virus that killed many birds and also affected humans—ever since then, there have been no crows in the High Park area. A big flock of crows used to frequent our neighborhood and would greet me when I left the house, accompany me as I walked through the park. But for the last two years, nothing. My life has been crow-less. I know that they still exist, because friends who live north of
So as I was walking in
And the next thing I knew, there were two crows just above the trees off to my left. I heard them first, then looked up and couldn't believe my eyes. Two very large crows, calling to each other (to me?) and wheeling, wheeling, playing above the treetops amid the light snow, two crows back-and-forthing until they were sure I had seen them, sure that I got the message. And then poof! They were off to the north, still calling. Still wanting to make sure that I got the message.
Six weeks later I still hadn't seen another crow. But I did get the message.
Copyright 2008 Ann Tudor