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Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Vault of the Heart

This stranger is your doppelganger,

his open hand a reflection

of your heart—

or so you fantasize.


Let's pretend that simply opening

the hand (here, you say, have this,

or some of that)

will unlock the heart's vaults.

Tumblers will twirl and click

until all the numbers

have been notched.

The solid door of the heart's vault

 will glide open

(creak open, more likely,

it's been so long locked),

and out will drift the hurts and hurtings

of a lifetime.

They ease into space

like slow spirals of steam,

and morning light illumines those corkscrewing,

waving tendrils from the past.


Within the now-empty vault of the heart

builds a new spirit

aware of its own connections.

Open hand, open heart.


Copyright 2012 Ann Tudor

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