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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Singing and Not Singing

I have a song

that's waiting to be sung.

What if I never sing it?

Suppose I try--

don't "try", they say; just do it--

suppose I try and it doesn't sing?

Suppose it hides behind

the shutters of my mind

and will not be sung.

Is that my fault,

just one more count against me

in the course of my existence?


Do songs hibernate?

Mine lies curled inward,

soft fleshy parts protected

by the carapace of my armoured back.

It might emerge with spring—

the green time,

the time of yellow blooms—

or it might not.


My song will hibernate

until it is good and ready

to be sung (and thus heard);

God alone knows when that will be,

and she's not telling.

And me? I hibernate in concert

with the song.

Wait for me to emerge,




Copyright 2012 Ann Tudor

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