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Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Pages Turn

Not so patiently, really,

and with some trepidation,

I watch the pages turn.


When it was new, the opened book lay lopsided,

all its pages piled on the right.

Then the wind of life blew in.

Riffling up the paper sheet by sheet

it turned leaves to the left

before my still-innocent gaze.


One day I noticed

how very many pages had blown by:

I was well past the middle of the book.

Oh me, oh my!

Time to take it seriously, I thought.


But even before I had buckled down

to that task of being serious

more pages flew from right to left

forcing me to acknowledge

my lack of agency here:

this turning of pages was none of my doing.


And now just moments later,

or so it seems,

the right-hand pile has dwindled

to just these few remaining pages.

The book is almost finished.


Why does the wind blow in one direction only?


Copyright 2014 Ann Tudor

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