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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Wiser Than I Was

I could be dumb as a post

and still be wiser than I was.

Some are born wise.

Some acquire wisdom along the way.

And some have wisdom thrust upon them

(if they are lucky)


by gods who have lost patience with

their refusal to learn.


Not that I claim wisdom for myself now,

I hasten to add.

But all things are relative

(more about that later)

and compared to who I was and remained

for so long--too long

(so long, oo-long, and so forth)--

compared to that person

I am the sage of the century.


Back to that relativity.

Not only is it all relative,

but it is also all related.

Deny this at your peril.

Denying our common connectedness

marks you as that dumb-as-a-post person

I once was.


Accept the connectedness (step one).

Act on it:

build a life based on it (step two of three).

It's easier said than done.

It may take a lifetime to achieve it.

Step three: be patient.


Copyright 2014 Ann Tudor

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