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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Lyrical Moments

Recently the term "lyrical moments" came into my head. Perhaps I read it someplace. I began to contemplate the presence—or absence—of lyrical moments in my life.


First, what is a lyrical moment? More than happiness, surely. Some sort of transcendence? How many transcendent moments come to us in a lifetime? Is a transcendent moment the same as an epiphany? Define transcendent. Is seeing a heron unexpectedly a transcendent moment? Oh, searching for a definition has me dancing like the angels on a head of a pin, with just as much relevance.


Is a lyrical moment just some pleasant time that I happen to have retained in my memory? Or deeper than that? I'm beginning to think I've bitten off more than I can chew here. I'll try a list.


* The end of Peter Sellars' and Bill Viola's production of Tristan und Isolde


* The moment in hands-on healing when I feel like a clear conduit


* Singing on a Georgian Bay island, when three crows flew to the top of a tree to listen, then flew away when I ended


* Birdwatching at dawn while I was in high school


* Watching my three children play together in harmony at 6, 8, and 10—unlikely ages for bonding over a PlaySkool garage


* This morning's sliver of a moon


* Always the moon


* Sky colours at dawn or sunset


* The green line


* Toning with my Tibetan bowl


* Lying on a giant slab of rock on High Rock Island and joining my energy with that of the white pine growing from the slab


* Learning at age 72 to duck under ocean waves at a North Carolina beach


* Playing in an orchestra or band, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts


* Dancing weirdly with my husband


* Learning to open and let go (but does it have to be so slow?)


* Deep gratitude for the direction my life has taken in the last 35 years and for all the teachers and facilitators who were part of it



Copyright © 2015 Ann Tudor

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