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Sunday, April 2, 2017

Fog Hangs

It's up to me to clear the fog that sometimes shrouds my brain. How grateful I am that so far this is not a permanent state.


Here are some fog-clearing procedures that sometimes work (choose whatever ones appeal to you):


1. Talk to a friend--one from the short list, which seems to be shortening even more as the years pass.


2. Take a walk--not the brisk exercise kind of walk but an amble that affords a view of trees or grass or of anything that isn't kin to concrete.


3. Forget the walk. Just sit. Focus for a change on what's before you: this chair. That photograph. The carpet whose once-vibrant designs are worn and faded.


If none of these is possible, then take to gentle humming. The vibration of your cells can dispel the hanging fog.



Copyright © 2017 Ann Tudor

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