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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Questions and Answers

I've always been one for the glib answer.

The philosopher studies the question,

ponders it, seeks the right, deep, answer.

If I seek any answer at all

(and I admit it: being human I do seek),

I'll take the first one that comes along.


Not true!

You've got to watch me like a hawk

to keep those quick untruths

out of the permanent record.


So. Not the first answer.

But any answer that suits.

That's it in a nutshell.

My answers, seldom unassailable,

can be attacked from all directions.

But I don't care.

To suit me,

an answer just has to get me through:

through the day, through the dark night

(actual or of the soul).

An answer just has to shield me


from the slings and arrows, etc.


And when my defenses are breached,

I'll be off to seek the next answer.

For me, answers are written in sand,

not stone.



Copyright © 2017 Ann Tudor
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