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Sunday, December 3, 2017

Making Room for Small Beauties

Run. Run. Go faster. Don't stop for anything. Make no detours. Run straight ahead or you'll never get it all done.


This is how I lived. Once, during a brief respite, I managed to notice the small beauties that my then-calm eye chanced upon. I remember that I enjoyed noticing them.


But somehow I re-forgot how to slow down and I re-lost the ability to notice. Oh, I often put it on my calendar

and added it to my to-do list: "Slow down. Stop doing. Stop running. Remember to notice."


A friend and I (both do-ers of the first order) were talking to another friend, whom we hadn't seen for months. We asked her how she spent her days. "Oh," she said. "I read. I do a little yoga. I take a nap. I sit. Sometimes I meditate. Or think. Sometimes, yes, I just sit and ponder."


I was tired of running. As soon as I finished off my to-do list for that day, I began to slow down. I started waiting for small-beauty moments, since small beauties in our lives are really all we have.


Now my pace is deliberately and consciously slower. Keep your eyes peeled for the new me as I meander along the sidewalks of life, making room for small beauties.




Copyright © 2017 Ann Tudor
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