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Sunday, May 20, 2018

To Etch a List

Writing a list is onerous enough.

Etching a list would take forever,

so best make it a list worth etching.

No mere catalog of groceries to buy

or Christmas card recipients.

What, then?

A list of epiphanies,

experienced or desired?

Well, the ones experienced, perhaps,

but to write of desired epiphanies

misses the point.

Surely an epiphany is by definition


not an experience to be demanded

as a child calls for more:

more candy, cookies, love.


No, etching a list of epiphanies

you'd like to be visited with

would be a fool's task.

Let those come as they will

(if they will).

Instead, etch your list with beauties encountered,

pains endured,

growth received.

Etch a list of gratitude for life.


Copyright © 2018 Ann Tudor
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