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Sunday, July 21, 2019


Harriet, at six, asked,

"Where do rainbows come from?"

At last a question I can answer!

I can't tell her how or why

the world came into being

(though I do have a few thoughts about the why).

Or even why the sky is blue.

(I've never understood the science of that!)

But a rainbow?


I start by reminding her

that a prism once hung in her window.

She remembered.

A prism, I said,

breaks light into its constituent colours.

And raindrops,

when lit by the sun,

act as prisms, each one singly,

and they refract the colours of light.


Harriet was completely, absolutely -- unimpressed.

So okay, I'm not a science teacher.

Maybe I should have gone with leprechauns

and the pot of gold.

Speaking of which,

is there gold at both ends, or only at one?

If the latter, which one?



Copyright © 2019 Ann Tudor
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