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Sunday, April 25, 2021

Radiant Creatures


You don't see them.

At least in my experience you don't.

You sense them,

which is sufficiently convincing.

Oh, doubting Thomas that I am

I sometimes long for the validation

that a sighting might bring

but for the most part

I'm content to know

what my other senses tell me:

They're here!

They are here

for minimal but miraculous moments

in our lives,

flickering beyond the edges

yet clearly communicating

just when we are most in need.

Occasionally we make or buy

some tangible representation—

not at all like the real, of course,

for who could imagine correctly?—

but a reminder nonetheless:

Look! They do exist.

Imagine them here with you today—

to light and guard,

to heal and guide.

Pay attention

so you are ready to sense them

when they arrive.


Ann Tudor
Musings blog:
Amazon Author Page:
Audible.Ca: go to and search for Ann Tudor
Audible.Com: go to and search for Ann Tudor

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