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Sunday, February 2, 2025

Baby, It's Cold Outside

I could talk about how depressed the weather is making me this year. It isn't the lack of light; that is not my issue. My problem is the cold. One year I promised myself that I wouldn't complain about the winter weather—and I pretty much kept that promise. But I promised no such thing this year, and I've been making the most of this opportunity to kvetch.


Briefly, not to dwell on it ad nauseam, can I just say this? I've figured out how to be warm when I go outside. The problem arises when I reach my destination—say, a restaurant (remember going to restaurants?) or a concert. The maitre d' says, "May I take your coat?" He has no idea! He twiddles his thumbs and smiles fakely while I disrobe: remove the gloves. Set the purse on the floor. Unwrap my big outer scarf and move the hood from my head. Take off the hat and then the neck-warmer (over the head, being sure not to dislodge earrings or hearing aids). Set these aside for the moment. (Where?) Now unzip the coat and slip it off. Insert the hat and neck-warmer into the coat-sleeve, with the gloves in the other sleeve. Give the fully loaded coat to the bored, waiting man, who certainly has things he'd rather be doing.


Now I straighten my hair. Tug at my fancy jacket. And voila! I'm ready for my close-up. And then, at the end of the meal/concert I have to load these fifteen pounds back onto my frame.  But it isn't finished yet. Once I've braved the sidewalk and the transit system (please, TTC, let me make it all the way to High Park before you call another system-wide emergency), I reach my own sweet home, where I have to remove again every item of clothing. And put each in its proper place. PLUS boots! No wonder I can handle only one outing a day.


I have a dim memory of summer. Of walking out the door in sandals and whatever indoor clothing I'm wearing. I will revel in the summer, should it arrive. Delight in it, even. I promise not to complain about the humidity.


Copyright © 2025 Ann Tudor
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