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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Catch a Few Winks

Well, throw a few my way and I'll try. I'm not great at catching, I must admit, tending to flinch when something comes speeding my way. I attribute this to my older brother's propensity, when we were teens, to thrust a basketball at my face, saying, "Think fast!" I never did my best thinking with a ball coming at me.


Back to those winks. Just a few. As I say, toss them (underhand) my way and I'll do my best to catch them. But no blinks! Blinks are twice the weight of winks, and I doubt I could handle them. Don't put your blinkers on (either kind: the ones that give you a blinkered view and the kind that signal which way your car is turning). So, just a few winks—either eye will do—and no blinks, got it? If I manage to catch them, I'll return them to you posthaste so you can catch a few winks of your own.


Have a good nap.


Copyright 2013 Ann Tudor

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