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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Striding into the World

Some heed the voices

shouting their bad advice,

not knowing they could stop their ears.

They follow the counseled path

for long years until at last their own wisdom

rises through a dry lake bed

and urges them on their own,




Would it have been a better life

if they had broken free earlier?


To stride deeper and deeper into the world

is a boon not granted to all.

Some are slow and take their own sweet time

meandering into fruitless

or downright wrong


ignoring the inner voice

that counsels wisely

until finally they do hear it,

well down the road,

and then just try to stop them

from making their own, individual strides

that lead them on, on,

as if it were the beginning

for, no matter how long it took to get here,

this is the beginning.


Copyright © 2018 Ann Tudor
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