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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Ups and Downs

My life follows a sawtooth pattern these days. Regularly I am up, then down; up, then down. I've given up railing about this. Instead I make the effort to surf (if I may mix my metaphors). I don't want to rant about being down, but I also don't want to ignore or (worse) deny it. So I've taken to allowing myself to feel what I feel (and it took me how many years to learn this?). If I'm too depressed to go for a walk, then I allow myself to nap for ten or fifteen minutes and if I still don't want to help myself by adding some fresh air to the mix, then I grab the least serious book I can find and dive into it. Yesterday was a rereading of one of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels.


I know that eventually I won't be depressed (the whole point of a sawtooth is its even ups and downs) and there'll be plenty of time then to do what needs to be done. And even on a day when I'm at the bottom of the sawtooth, there's always the kitchen.


I find it hard these days to make decisions about meals, so I involve DinoVino in the process. And after we devise a menu for the day, one of us has to remember to write down the plans or we'll have to start the process all over. But once the menu is set, I'm good to go. I chop and dice and grate wholeheartedly. These days almost every meal seems to involve an anchovy or two, and I love filleting those little salted fish, stripping out the bone so I can chop the flesh and drop it into hot oil, where it will dissolve into its sauce and make us very happy.


We are eating more and better than ever before despite (or because of) the fact that we aren't going out to eat. It's dangerous to make eating your new hobby.


Copyright © 2020 Ann Tudor
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