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Sunday, April 4, 2021

Lights on the Path

The lights that I left on the twisted path of my life illuminate my past, overcoming the darkness so that I can see other paths and other lights than mine. I see the paths interweaving, tangling and doubling back, crisscrossing paths, interconnected paths. And every step of the way is lit by a light. My light, your light. His light and hers. Their lights, placed here and there along the path.


Some left a lot of oil lamps, some left very few. But because the paths twist and intertwine, the entire landscape of the past becomes lit with gold, visible to anyone who looks back.


A mere lamp or two cannot illuminate the path of a long journey. It takes a village of lamps. Each of us deposits a candle, a torch, an oil lamp, a lantern along our path, as frequently as we can bear to do so. One person's lamps are insufficient to show the overview of our pasts. But when each of us has laid down candles and lamps, the resulting glow illuminates our world.


So continue to do it. Leave a lamp along the path when you can. We all glory in its light.



Copyright © 2021 Ann Tudor
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