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Sunday, January 24, 2021


I've been through a lot of phases in my culinary life. The seven years when I took part in a project to determine the effects of a low-fat diet on pre-cancerous breast tissue made me into a genius of low-fat cooking. But when the study ended, I gradually reclaimed my love of bacon and its friends. But I never really made it back to croissants. Before the study I had made croissants at least several times a year. Afterwards, I would occasionally buy one at a bakery, but those boughten ones were never as good as my own had been.


It's been at least a decade now since I've indulged in a croissant, and I can feel the longing swell in my body. The day is coming when I'll make a batch of croissants, and I'm giving you fair warning that I will eat more than my share.


I won't tell you how to make croissants, since the process is too long and too complicated to sustain your interest right now. But I will tell you how to eat a croissant.

There's really only one way.


First, you fix yourself a large bowl-shaped cup of café au lait, piping hot with strong coffee and hot milk. Take your first croissant and break off one tip. Dip the torn end of it into your café au lait. Eat it. Dip it again (double dipping is okay because it's not a communal cup of coffee). Finally, eat the crispy, extraordinarily buttery tip of that piece of croissant. Take a sip of your café au lait.


Now break off the other end of the croissant and do the same business of dunking and eating until that piece has been devoured. Have another sip of coffee.


You are left with the centre of the roll. Take the crisp point where the triangle has been rolled up and gently unwind it. Now you have two pieces. One is the crisp "bottom" of the rolled-up pastry. The other is the tip. It's up to you which one you eat first and which one you save to be last.


Once you've decided, move on to the business of dunking and eating, as before, until the croissant is finished. Expired. An ex-croissant.


Have another.




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